During the holidays or simply to brighten up your interior, plants are an undeniable decorative asset. Your head is full of decoration ideas and “cocooning” evenings. You will have to be imaginative, original… DIY, decoration, cooking… and plants. At the very least, here is a plant that will have an effect in your home, we will ask you for advice, and above all we will copy you. Clivia – or orange amaryllis. You have seen it in the flower shops, at the florist. Let’s get to know this plant, to which the ancients gave so many virtues.

If you don’t have a green thumb, know that this green, flowering plant is easy to grow. In addition, by installing a pot of this plant at home, you will help eliminate negative energy in the house, according to Feng shui.

The clivia, indoor plant.  source: spm

The Clivia: Much more than a decorative ide

The clivia fits perfectly into a subdued atmosphere. Its natural and warm colors take their place among your other choices and fit perfectly into the orange fashion trend of the winter season.

The plant will present itself to you, at its height (40 to 45 cm), with beautiful fleshy lance-shaped leaves. However, what will attract the eye and the mind is this superb floral stem ending with a bouquet of yellow and orange trunks, which we can well imagine will announce happiness and prosperity to the house that houses it.

Clivia at home: no more negative energies

Known for millennia, the clivia is making its return to our homes through the front door. For the Chinese and the art of Feng Shui, symbolically, it is the plant of luck and happiness. It is believed to have the virtues of neutralizing negative energies. Placed on the North side of the house, its aura is considered precious and special, it radiates non-verbal energies. It is also said that it favors travelers and that it can inspire its owner to new discoveries, achievements and favorable projects. As this plant is placed under the sign of the sun, it helps to harmonize the energy of the home. In its proximity, it greatly helps in maintaining the balance of the energy fields of the people living in the house. Tradition also dictates that you slip a coin into your pot, to increase its beneficial forces tenfold.

The clivia will stay in your home, not in the bedroom, it could bring insomnia and affect dreams but of course on a desk, a pedestal table in the entrance, thus eliminating negativity, pacifying the environment. In a mild and wet, it can leave its pot and be replanted in a flower bed. It will find its place there, holding the sugared almond high to the other lower plants.

Clivia flowering.  source: spm

How to take care of clivia at home?

The clivia is a plant that can live a long time and offer lasting flowering, as long as it is well maintained. With its inflorescences which appear in the center of the rosette of leaves, the plant offers a wide variety of flowers, yellow, orange or red depending on the species.

For it to flower, it does not need much, but it must have a rest period of 2 to 3 months from autumn. It likes cool places and requires little watering and little fertilizer. On the other hand, once the clivia has flowered, it is advisable to cut off the withered stems and increase watering and fertilizer on a regular basis. When the climate becomes hotter, keep the substrate moist, knowing that the temperature should be between 16 and 21°. During hot weather, a tray with a water reservoir is ideal for the plant, if you have to be away.

Clivia pot.  source: spm

Where to find clivia? A plant for all budgets

You will find this plant in all garden centers, often even at your florist or in supermarkets. Certainly, it is more bulky, but it doesn’t matter, acquiring several will allow you to make your trip profitable. When purchasing, the cost is a little higher than the other seasonal offerings, however it must be said that this is a low-risk bet in the long term. The plant is durable and will continue to spread its benefits in your home for several years.