During the summer, peony bushes add vibrant beauty to any garden. However, once they have finished blooming, proper care is essential for maintaining their health and ensuring a spectacular display next year. Here’s how to care for your peony bushes after they’ve faded:

1. Deadhead and Prune
As soon as the flowers begin to wilt, cut them off to prevent them from draining energy from the plant. Trim the spent blooms down to the nearest leaves.

2. Soil and Watering
Loosen the soil around the peony bushes and ensure it is adequately moistened. This helps the plant prepare for the next growing season.

3. Leaf Care
Do not remove the foliage until the first frost. However, you can remove any dry, rotten, or damaged stems along with the leaves.

4. Fertilization
For bushes older than three years, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers four days after pruning. Spread the fertilizer around the base of the bush and water it thoroughly.

5. Treat Powdery Mildew
If any bushes are affected by powdery mildew, cut them back completely to prevent the disease from spreading.

6. Winter Preparation
At the beginning of October, cut back all the above-ground growth to a height of about 15 cm. Mulch the area around the peonies to protect them through the winter.

By following these steps, your peony bushes will be well-prepared to bloom beautifully year after year!